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A Location in WiseIngress is actually a physical address or property like a building or other type of venue where one or more resources such as amenities or assets are secured by igloohome smart locks.

Administrator account may have one or more Locations defined in the system. Locations have attributes such country, currency, etc. defined for them which impact functionality and user experience in different ways.

Locations List and Map

To see list of Locations click on Locations link in the left sidebar menu or select Locations icon on the administration dashboard. Depending on whether you are the main administrator account or a user with required permissions you may see a different list of Locations. Some of Locations may not be available on this list for you.

Alongside the list view of Locations, there is also a map view of locations which can help you find Locations visually on a map. This feature is also available for to end users and in the WiseIngress mobile application as well.

In front of each Location, Or by clicking on each Location on the map, a few options such as Edit and Amenities are available.

Updating Configuration of a Location

To change various options and settings for a Location click on the pencil icon.

Basic Info

  • Name and Description: Unique and distinguishable name so that end users can recognize this Location easily, and a description visible to users about this location.

  • Address: Used to identify Geolocation to be able to show the Location on the map.


Province field also impacts what default taxes are shown to the administrator when setting fees for amenities under the Location. See Taxes and Extra Fees for more information.

  • Country: Apart being used as a component of the address, it is also used to automatically pre-set country when public users need to enter their mobile number. For example, when it is set to United States, country code dropdown selects "+1" by default. Users can still choose a different country code when entering their mobile number.

  • Time Zone: Time zone is used to calculate dates and times for reservations and for generating PIN codes.


Changing time zone of the Location will have undesired impacts on scheduling of amenities and may result in generating PIN codes that won't work on the expected date and time to unlock the smart locks.

  • Currency: Online payments for amenities under the Location, if applicable, are collected using this currency. Fees and other monetary amounts are shown to users in web and mobile application with the corresponding currency symbol.

  • Terms and Conditions: Contents of T&C that user should accept for the Location. The platform can be configured to enforce acceptance by user before seeing amenities under the Location for the first time, or before making a reservation.


This tab shows list of users for the Location. Here, the administrator or a user with right permissions, can add and remove users that have access to the Location.

List of users can be filtered by email, mobile number, Custom ID (see below for explanation) and status. By default only active users, the ones who have completed registration, are shown. To search the list enter at least one piece of information about the user you are looking for and make sure the toggle to show users that are active only or all users (active and invited) is selected correctly. Then click Apply Filter button.

Add/Invite New User

To add a user, click on the plus button on top right corner and enter user's information such as first name, last name, and email address. Depending on the configuration made for the Location, user may receive an invitation email which includes a link to register via the website and also a Registration Code that enables the user to complete registration via WiseIngress mobile application.

Same user can be added to other Locations with the same process. If the user completes the registration using the invitation link or Registration Code of one of the Locations, the system will automatically add that user to other invited Locations, so the user doesn't have to repeat the process for each Location separately.

To re-send the invitation email for a user, find them in the list (make sure Active Only toggle is switched off and press Apply Filter button) and click "Resend Invitation" button in front of the user.


Another way to add a new user to the system is by selecting "New User" option when creating on-demand (ad hoc) access with Ingress tab of an amenity. See Create Access for more information.


Users do not need To be added/invited one by one. There are other ways to add users to the system such as importing, and integration with other systems. Contact WiseIngress support team to enquire about available options.

Editing Custom ID

Custom ID is a unique identifier for each user. It can be something like an employee ID, unit number in a strata building or any other piece of information that can help identify or find the user more conveniently then email address and phone number.

To edit Custom ID for a user, click on the pencil icon under Custom ID column for that user.

Delete User

To delete a user click on the trash icon in front of that user. The user won't be able to see the Location in web and mobile application after being deleted.

Deleting a user from a Location, does not remove the associated data due to security reasons. The administrator can still get reports that include, for example, reservations made by the user.


WiseIngress has a comprehensive permission system that allows different groups of users be given different permissions for each Location. See User Groups for information on creating User Groups and managing users in them.

To edit permissions for each User Group click on the pencil icon in front of it. List of permissions in the system appears. Enable or disable toggles to customize permissions of the User Group for the Location. Please note each User Group may have different permissions for each Location which makes it powerful and flexible.

Since when every new user, whether added by administrator or by public access features of the platform is included in General user group by default, this User Group has three permissions by design:

  • View assets list
  • View assets information
  • Request access to assets

Above permissions will allow a regular user to use the web or mobile application to see Amenities or Assets under the location and make an access request (either by making a reservation or sending a request).

Be careful when changing permissions for General user group (or another User Group if made default) because all new users added to the system will automatically have those permissions.