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Ingress: Creating and Managing Access for Users

WiseIngress platform provides different ways for users to gain access to an amenity. One of these ways is Ingress tab of each amenity which allows the administrator to create on-demand (or ad hoc) access for existing and new users.

This tab initially shows all PIN codes that can be used to unlock the smart lock. Expired, deleted, and rejected PIN codes are excluded so a clear view of all active accesses from now into the future is presented.

The list is searchable by user and access type. To reveal the PIN code for each row, click on the eye icon next to the masked PIN.

Create Access

To create a new access, click on the plus button on top right.

Selecting Access Type

On the first step, there are three options to choose from:

  • Scheduled booking: This option is in fact using the Schedule tab to make a reservation on behalf of some user. It is only available when the amenity is "schedule-based". Not every amenity need to have a schedule. See Schedule for more information.

  • Offline PIN: This option allows creating an offline PIN code and is always available as long as the amenity is secured with a smart lock.

  • Custom PIN - Remote: This options allows creating a custom PIN (arbitrary string of 4 to 6 digits) using a connected WiFi bridge. It won't be available when the smart lock paired for the current amenity is not linked to a WiFi bridge. The PIN can be entered on the next step while selecting PIN type.

Selecting PIN Type

The next step is selecting PIN type:

  • One time: PIN code will work only after start date/time selected in next step, and only works once. The smart lock won't unlock if the PIN code is used for a second time.

  • Time-sensitive: PIN code will work after start date/time, and before end date/time selected in next step. There is no limitation on how many times the PIN code can be used to unlock the smart lock during the validity period.

  • Permanent: PIN code will work only after start date/time selected in next step for an unlimited period of time.

Selecting Date and Time

The third step is selecting start date/time and end date/time. The latter is only available for time-sensitive PIN codes.

Assigning to a User

The final step is assigning the new access to a user so the PIN code can be sent to them. It is also important for tracking purposes. There are three options on this step:

  • Existing User: Find an existing user in the system by typing name, email or mobile number.

  • New User: Add a new user right away by entering minimum details such as name and mobile number. If the mobile number already exists in the system as another user, the newly created PIN code will be automatically assigned to the existing user.

  • Me: This option is helpful in scenarios when the PIN code doesn't need to be directly assigned to a user in the system or for internal purposes.

Delete PIN code

If the smart lock is connected to a WiFi bridge, the PIN code can be deleted (or blacklisted) by clicking on the trash icon.