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Mobile App

When the administrator logs in to WiseIngress mobile application, it provides below options which are different from how the mobile app works for a regular user.


List and map of all Locations are presented here. In addition to viewing amenities under each Location, below options are available for each amenity.

Generate Offline PIN

This option allows generating an offline PIN code quickly. After tapping this button, enter start and end date/time.

Up to 5 PINs generated previously are accessible through this option.


To unlock the smart lock paired to the current amenity by Bluetooth, tap this button. The mobile device should be near the smart lock, and the mobile application should have the required permissions for this function to work correctly.

Disable Amenity

Allows the administrator to quickly disable the amenity by entering a reason. Disabling an amenity prevents users from making new reservations, but doesn't impact existing reservations.

Manage Locks

To start using WiseIngress platform, igloohome smart locks should be paired and be associated with amenities defined in the system. Manage Locks screen allows the administrator to perform the following operations.

Pair a New Lock

To pair a new lock tap Add Lock button and follow the below steps. This is a one-time process that needs to be done at the beginning of using the platform for each amenity. The mobile device should be near the smart lock and connected to internet for this process to succeed.

  • Select Location and amenity: the mobile app shows Locations and amenities that are not currently have a paired lock.

  • Wake the lock by pressing a button on its keypad. This step is necessary to allow the mobile device to scan it by Bluetooth. Permission to use Bluetooth may need to be allowed upon going to the next step.

  • Select the smart lock from list of scanned locks. Locks that are indicated as "Paired" are already paired with another amenity and cannot be selected at this step.

Unpair a Lock

To unpair a smart lock, tap Unpair button under its name, and accept the warning to proceed. Permission to use Bluetooth may need to be allowed upon going to the next step. The mobile device should be near the smart lock and connected to internet for this process to succeed.

Sync Logs

Syncing activity logs using WiseIngress mobile app is one of the ways to make them available in administration panel. See Activity Logs for more information.

The mobile device should be near the smart lock and connected to internet for this process to succeed.

Sync Battery Level

To measure the current battery level of the smart lock and make it available in administration panel, tap on this button. The mobile device should be near the smart lock and connected to internet for this process to succeed.

Pending Requests

Just like the administration panel in website, pending requests can be viewed and approved or rejected from the mobile application as well. See Pending Requests for more information.

Users Access

Similar to the administration panel in website, whether a user can see and access certain amenities can be controlled here. Search for user and tap Amenities Access button to enable or disable visibility of each amenity for that user.