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User Groups

User Groups in WiseIngress are an important concept because they help with two major functionality of the system:

  • Setting different policies and settings (including fees, cancellation, etc.) per amenity for each user group. See Permissions for more information.
  • Setting different permissions per Location for each user group. See Policies and Booking Settings for more information.

User Group List

To see list of user groups select User Groups under Administration in left sidebar. Each administrator account has at least one user group named "General" which is also the default user group.

When a new user is added to the system, it is automatically added to the default user group. The default user group can be changed after more user groups are added. Only one use group can be the default one at any given time. Whether a user group is the default one can be seen in Default column of the list.

Add User Group

To add a new user group click the plus button on top right. Enter a name and indicate whether it should be the default user group. If a new user group is selected to be the new default one, the user group that is currently set to default will lose this status.

Edit User Group

To edit a user group click on the pencil icon in front of it. To change the default user group, edit any user group other than the current default one and turn on "Default user group" toggle.

Manage Users in User Group

To see list of users in a user group click on Members icon in front of it. In the window that appears, list of users can be searched by name, email and mobile number.

Deleting a user from a user group moves it to the default user group. Users cannot be deleted from the default user group. To move a user from the default user group, add them to another user group.

To add users (members) to a user group, click on Add Members icon in front of it. In the window that appears, search for a user's name, email or mobile number. Only users in the system that are not already in that user group will appear in the results. Find and select as many users as needed, then click Add button. All selected users will be moved to this user group.